Saturday, 25 August 2012

4 Week Helmet Check Up

First of all, i need to apologise for this post being almost a week late. Ive been a bit preoccupied this week. My poor mother broke her wrist the morning of our clinic appointment whilst babysitting my son and then later in the week Miss C had another allergic reaction so it was back off to the Dr's.

So even though i could write a whole post on those two topics alone, i will stick to our 4 week check up!!

Our brilliant Dr Charl, didn't take any measurements as its still quite early on and either way she will need to wear it for at least another month, but visually you can already see the difference. I need to take some photos for comparison and pop them up.

He was really pleased with how much she has progressed and you could even see where her hair was being rubbed a little by the helmet in the new growth areas, so it was pretty exciting.

He also said that if she continues to progress so well, after our 8 week check up we should be able to start weaning her off the helmet already!! SAY WHAT.

We thought it would be approximately 3-4 months minimum. But apparently not, which is really fantastic news.

So i could be looking at this pretty little head of hair for more than an hour a day far sooner than i thought!!!

But shes pretty stinkin cute with it on too

The other thing Dr Charl did was heat up Miss C's helmet and adjust the side wings which had started to be a bit too firm on face due to head growth.

The only unfortunate/frustrating thing that keeps coming up which is hindering this whole process is Caitlyn's allergy to..........something. When she has a reaction i need to give her more helmet breaks so as to not irritate the rash too much. Thankfully due to her wearing the cotton cap under the helmet now there is no damage or broken skin on her wee little head.

We have a few culprits and the Dr thinks its dietary as I'm still breastfeeding and that where the signs are pointing. So I've tried to eliminate what we think may be causing it but i accidentally lapsed and the next day Miss C was all rashed up, so i think I've got it figured out but don't want to congratulate myself too soon. So I'm just being aware and cautious at the moment.

But heres a cute brother sister moment to share before im off - Have a great week!!


  1. Wonderful news! What a sweetheart. Hope that things keep progressing and you'll be done ASAP. :) love the brother sister pic!

    1. Thank you so much Kaite. We are pretty excited to see how our next appointment goes. But as you know so well it can be hard to judge so im trying to just go with the flow on this. Hope you are well!! xx
